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INQB8R Community / RELEASES / Ariu Kara - Emptiness... It Looked For Her...
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# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 09:35 - Edited by: INQB8R

Cat.#: INQ010

Ariu Kara - Emptiness... It Looked For Her

Dedicated to Anastasia's ten-years long best mate Larisa Kozlova, suddenly passed away in 2008, this compilational work concentrates on the themes of the dark nostalgic soul emptiness, which is born instead of something forever lost. It's like when you visit the old home which will be destroyed soon, realizing it's still keeping secrets of families living here for many years before. Larisa always supported Anastasia regarding her creative plans and works, and came with most objective critics. Unfortunately, she will never listen to the Ariu's new soundscapes again, but her image is obviously tracked in every second of this release, which would be probably impossible to achieve other way. If you are not afraid of the very deep self-cycled journey through the time, cogitation and fantasies, here is the door which you'll never close if you are in.

The recording consists of five mixed tracks. The first track describes the peak of human depression, the rejection of reality, and is obviously recorded in the very difficult time of Ariu Kara outliving. Further it reflects to the holes in the space and the time. What could you feel when you know there is no way back? The 3rd track is about walls having memories. Here is how the old house being ruined the next day, would dream about its past. It continues into the collaboration of two independant authors about forms which depict, in their opinion, the "Infinity" term. The final sound painting is inspired under visiting the seaport of Sukhum, Abchasia. 15 years ago during the conflict between Georgia and Abchasia the Georgian aviation ruined set of ships, yachts and pleasure launches. Now it's possible to watch their rusty parts over the water covered with algae and cockleshells of mussels. They already became a new part of the landscape, obtaining the next life....

Possible Definition: Resin Plasticine

01/ Emptiness... It Looked For Her....mp3 29:08

Direct label link:

Related topics:
Ariu Kara's EP on NTNS Radio


# Posted: 21 Apr 2009 22:57 - Edited by: INQB8R

We discussed this release in "vkontakte" group, the very popular Russian social network where you could meet and talk to Ariu Kara (if you know Russian of course). Our friends from Lagunamuch label were directly involved in the creation of this release, since they gave us possibility to contact Ariu Kara and discuss a new release with her. Logically they have got our permission to be first public listeners of the EP.

Both from Lagunamuch members and their followers in "vkontakte" group we've got very disputable reviews. On one hand, Lagunamuch heads found the sound rather ordinary than exciting. On the other hand, in the discussion there were opinions that the sound is good. Despite of it, there were thoughts that it's step back for Ariu Kara, and somebody awaited more from her. Some of the listeners were disappointed in too dark side of Ariu Kara music again. They told the previous LP was more professional and balanced than the current one from INQB8R. Reading this all, we dramatically felt that most of people are moved by a repulsion to something, because nobody of them actually suggested what they would improve, or how they would see the new Ariu Kara's work other than that.

Hearing only bad opinions doesn't mean anything, if at least you like what you did.

We on INQB8R think that we reached kind of "outside-world" sound for this release. It's very unusual and hard to catch. We never said it's a pop work for the masses, so logically there is a lot of people who doesn't like sound collages like on "Emptiness..." oriented for a very dark room. We would like to read opinions with pleasure only if they would provide some critics, not just human emotions. Yes, there is music in this world which you like or don't, but that doesn't mean there could be a "bad" or "good" music, saying precisely, worst or better. Every music and each sound has its sense. The only secret is how it's remarkable. If it is not remarkable for you, it only means you didn't remark it. The bigger sense has only what everybody choses individually.

As a very tricky review we have finally read review by the mysterious network member, usernamed as ""ddrthe1". Here is what he wrote:

The spirit of "The Emptiness..." is not implying to the calm, cultural consideration, perhaps because what the rest and what the culture could be on that scene where the rotation of music winds a listener by the sharp wire, and it begins to turn him in the cocoon inbetween the void, the darkness and the silence. In the means there appears a certain objective side of the human nature, which is an undergone action from without, fissionable in parts according to the living subjective human sense. The tragic reflection of the destructive peace is revealed by the cracked voice, which fades and which is been sufficient at the last obvious things. And then the human consciousness ceases to be objective. The scraps of memory still remain, the swarmed thoughts and the fog, united by some supernatural vital principle, which itself could be perceived as something living and true, not giving to scatter what's remained, impelling to the metamorphosis, the construction of yourself from scratch and at the same time the different way. Something in the cocoon establishes its objectivity, which is no longer plotted in ideas of the usual human reason, that generates and uncertainty aesthetical bifurcation. However the appearance of the "Butterfly" completes everything.

Yes, it's really something about this release... thank you.

(original in Russan below)

Энергетика "пустоты..." не подразумевает спокойного, культурного обсуждения, наверное потому, что какой тут покой и какая культура может быть в той сцене, где круговорот музыки обвивает слушателя острой проволокой и начинает его кружить в коконе посреди пустоты, темноты и тишины. В образах возникает некоторая объективная сторона человеческой природы, подвергающаяся воздействию извне, делящаяся на части по живому субъективному человеческому смыслу. Трагичная рефлексия разрушающегося мира раскрывается надломленным голосом, угасающим, хватающимся за последние очевидные вещи. А затем человеческое сознание перестает быть и объективным, и человеческим. Остаются обрывки памяти, роящиеся мысли и туман, объединяемый лишь каким-то сверхъестественным жизненным принципом, который можно сам по себе ощущать как нечто живое и истинное, не дающее рассыпаться тому, что осталось, побуждающее к метаморфозе, собиранию себя заново и в то же время по-другому. Нечто в коконе устанавливает свою объективность, уже не укладывающуюся в представления обычного человеческого разума, порождающее эстетическую раздвоенность, неопределенность. Как бы то ни было, появление "бабочки" завершает всё.


# Posted: 8 May 2009 09:17 - Edited by: INQB8R

We are glad that Sound Proector discover sth pretty dark as well:

pi micron:
Internet label INQB8R specializing in not big and sometimes rather nice releases has recently produced the second solo work of Anastasia Krutova performing under the pseudonym Ariu Kara. The new album (mini-album if you wish) is dedicated to the best friend of Nastia - Larisa Kozlova who suddenly left our world in 2008.
The record starts with depressive monologue about existence inside reality and attempts to leave it at all costs. Darkness, loneliness, weight of loss - the whole world shrinks to the size of a leather sofa and all around is devoured by... emptiness. Imaginary emptiness is the main theme of this release, in further minutes it unfolds by dark ambient castles in the air, squeaks, rustles and cracks. All gloomy components of the darkest side of industrial culture are present, including the samples of human speech drowning in the cloud of electronic effects and drones, turning one part of Emptiness... It Looked For Her... into soundtrack to some terrifying film. Perfect, interesting sound... What I like undoubtedly is that Ariu Kara has her unique sounding which was developed in the new work after the album Medlennij Skaner Stalkera (released by the label Lagunamuch in 2005) warmly received by the audience.

Link: Sound Proector reviews "Ariu Kara - Emptiness... It Looked For Her..."

...and the Russian version is here:

pi micron:
Интернет лейбл INQB8R, специализирующийся на небольших и, порой, весьма симпатичных релизах, недавно разродился второй сольной работой Анастасии Крутовой, выступающей под псевдонимом Ariu Kara. Новый альбом (ну или мини-альбом, как хотите) посвящен лучшей подруге Анастасии Ларисе Козловой, внезапно покинувшей мир живых в 2008 году.
Запись начинается с депрессивного монолога о бытие внутри реальности и попытках уйти от нее во что бы то ни стало. Темнота, одиночество, тяжесть потери - мир сжимается до размеров кожаного дивана, а все вокруг поглощает... пустота. Воображаемая пустота - главная тема этого релиза, в следующих минутах она разворачивается воздушными замками дарк эмбиента, скрипами, шорохом и треском. Все мрачные составляющие самой темной стороны индастирал культуры на месте, в том числе сэмплы человеческой речи, тонущие в облаке электронных эффектов и гулов, превращающие одну из частей Emptiness... It Looked For Her... в саундтрек к некому жуткому кино. Отличный, интересный саунд... Что определенно нравится - у Ariu Kara есть свое уникальное звучание, которое получило развитие в новой работе после хорошо воспринятого поклонниками сцены альбома Медленный Сканер Сталкера, выпущенного лейблом Lagunamuch в 2005 году.

Link: Sound Proector reviews "Ariu Kara - Emptiness... It Looked For Her..." (RUS)


# Posted: 11 Jun 2009 08:55

Our web friend Sound Proector has opened new section presenting podcasts with tracks from releases observed on their own site during the last month. And we are glad to see the fragment from Ariu Kara's "Emptiness... It Looked For Her..." exactly in the debut podcast.

At all, whole podcast is great - certainly you will discover something new and fresh for your musical world!

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