Michael Brückner  
Michael Brückner
Born in Heidelberg in 1969 and now located in Mainz, Germany, Michael Brückner is a prolific electronic amateur and home sound designer applying various techniques to keyboard synths and softwares since 1993. His variety of favourite genres include jazz, pop, rock, ambient, new age, and his music attempts to be a hybrid of them all, but still follows its own path. Everything he has composed so far sums up to over 108 hours, or about 90 CDs. Despite they all could be ordered from the author directly, none of them for some reason were published on any major label earlier. Unbelievable! Maybe that is because Herr Brückner doesn't produce for a specific scene, and his taste of music is quite eclectic... but this is exactly what we're labouring at INQB8R.

ContactsContacts and Infos:
myspace: michael brückner
mp3.de: michael brückner
earritation: michael brückner

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Michael Brückner - Occasional Chemistry
TITLE: Occasional Chemistry
DATE: September 28, 2009
Cat.#: INQ011
Michael Brückner - Kissing Underneath the Mistletoe
TITLE: Kissing Underneath the Mistletoe
DATE: December 19, 2008
Cat.#: INQ007