"Ariu Kara" is a sub-part of the audio-visual project "AriuLab", created in 2001 by the designer and photoartist Anastasia Krutova. Initially the project has been dedicated to the catch of industrial atmospheres, picturing and collaging them. Later, the heavy industrial musical background was added to expand their sense, achieving post-ruined consciousness sound in result. The final form of such audio came out in 2003, when Anastasia also began video filming experiments. Her fulltime debut album, "The Stalker's Slow Scanner" ("Medlennyj Scanner Stalkera"), was out in 2005 on the independant Moscow label "Lagunamuch"; it collected apogees of Ariu ruining concepts. Surprisingly, this release also followed mystical self-ruining in production steps: during preparation of recordings, Anastasia have lost many tracks because of computer flaws, there were problems with cover publication (as well as the first version of the cover has been lost); the director which was responsible for the release circulation, urgently died; the second person responsible also died, thus the master copy of the work has disappeared. Finally, when the album was released, instead of 11 planned tracks in contained a 12th track which has been considered lost. Nobody knows by the moment what happened, and where it came from.
When we listened to the CD, we've almost got mad, because the 3rd track on this LP started to be capriciously convulsive. It contained some overloaded noise which never repeated again on rewinds. But having Fatalism in our friends list, we on INQB8R were excited to work with Femme Fatale of Russian mystery underground scene on her second dedication. It's a very rare case when you collaborate and listen to the works of woman in heavy, still pleased outworld projections!
vkontakte: Ariu Kara